Born Again – The New Birth in Christ

Born Again – The New Birth in Christ

Sunday 27 of 2022, i’ve been invited in Tangier International Protestant Church to bring the Word of God during the Service. Aware that if a human gets all the wealth, wisdom, glory… of this world, but not the salvation of his soul for eternity, he will have...
How to succeed this year?

How to succeed this year?

An invitation to the school of wisdom! How to succeed this year?[1] It was from an elder in the faith for whom I have great appreciation, Raïssa Mutamba, that I first heard this statement: “When you pray, pray as if everything depended on God and his grace, but...
24 Year Old

24 Year Old

I am not a self-made man! I don’t even believe in that concept. Humility and gratitude force me to recognize that I am the product of the positive intervention of many people. Parents who brought me into the world and sacrificed themselves to give me the...