SKILLS AREAS, here are some of the area I think I am able of a lot
Software Engineering
This is my main area of expertise. where my years at the engineering school me to. I am now working full time as a 4D Developer, eventhough I am more a (Microsoft) .Net Dev.
Video Editing
I started learning this in high school also, but the main goal was to work on little family project. I started with Windows Movie Maker, then Filmora, OBS, Adobe Premiere Pro… Now it’s useful mainly in church
Graphic Design
I’m a self-taught “Graphic Designer”. I started in High School, mainly using Adobe Photoshop, to create simple graphic that will help me communicate about my first passion: Jesus. Then I kept improving myself.
Wordpress Development
All about money at first, as it’s much more fast to complete a simple website project with it than coding from scratch. Today I use it to make side money, but also to help projects of friends I believe in
I think I took it from my father, who was a “Modern Letter” Teacher (in French). He was also a writer, poetry mostly. But I write mostly in prose, to share my thinking. For now I have written almost only about faith, but soon I’ll start about Engineering, I hope…
I like to teach! So much. I really like to trasmit what I know and see people growing from it, in any area : faith, computer science, soft skills…I seriously plan to get a Phd later, just to be able to teach in College. I believe I took this from my mother, who is a primary school teacher.
Values – If I must resume my core values, it’ll start with these
In any area of life, the moment you stop learning, is the moment you start dying. So i’m always doing my best to be learning.
We have been created with free will. Even to choose bad. Our duty is therefore to learn how to use that liberty to choose good and help others to do so.
“Sharing is caring” it’s said. I believe there is more joy in giving than receiving and in many fields, share multiply. So I learn to take pleasure to share
Without Love, everything we do is meaningless. Even Truth. As Timothy Keller say : “Love without truth is sentimentality… Truth without love is harshness”
Having been created for a great purpose by the Greatest being in the universe, anything that He call me to do deserve at least to be done with excellence.
Not easy to achieve daily, especially in this centuary. But it’s worth the effort, so I watch myself and I do my best
Portfolio(s) - Some of the recent projects I've worked on - all categories included

Do you have a project I can help with?
Contact Me !My Resume, downloadable here in english and in french
For now my goal is to grow in my engineering career as a .Net Developer. So my resume will be focused on getting me those kind of opportunities.
Some recommandations / testimonies my previous Managers, Project Leads, Colleagues, Clients… gave about me and my work.
As a Project Lead, I worked with Willy on a .NET Core project developed using microservices and product features for multiple clients. Willy rapid got up and running with the technology and was efficient and well liked Team member. Looking for a new .NET developer? I would recommend Willy without hesitation.
Willy is an extraordinary person, great to work with and with a very good ability to learn and quickly become a valued member of the team. He joined our not trivial project (.NET core, microservices and multiple specialization for several clients) and very soon after he was able to contribute and add great value to the project. He is a great colleague and valuable employee.
Alexis is amazing at his job! He knows his way around people, he is good with the clients, does whatever it takes to help colleagues and gets things done. He makes sure that everyone is on the same page. The collaboration was very smooth and his assistance definitely made a huge impact.
Technical Blog
I’ve not yet started writing technical articles, but hopefully, soon i will and you’ll have the most recents here. So see you here soon.