Initiation to the Freelance World (Internship / Freelance Project)

Software Engineering

Project on Github


Project on Github

(YECE App)

When we were at the end of our 4th Year in Engineering School, on of my close friends and i were supposed for 2 months, to either do an internship in company or work on a project then write a report about what we did for school.

We were struggling to find an Internship. Some friends in their 5th Year were creating a startup and needed 1 web application (Darmotics) to manage thier finances and 1 website (YECE App). We proposed to help them. So we did it for 2 months (officially) then used it as our 2 months project. And we earned a little money from that :D.

We built the app using a custom php framework built by ourself (Composer, Doctrine, Twig, TCPDF…), SQL, MySQL, Bootstrap 3, Css3, Html5, Javascript, Git… and the Website using Laravel…